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Biomolecular Imaging and Cancer Research
In 2007, the North Carolina Legislature established the North Carolina Cancer Research Fund (NCCRF) (G.S. Chapter 116.29) and began a long-term financial commitment to research and treatment of cancer to improve the health and well-being of the citizens of North Carolina.
With the NCCRF funding, the cancer research program has been highly successful in recruitment of new investigators. Growing the research programs at The Unverisity of North Carolina School of Medicine, however, requires significant expansion of the imaging research infrastructure in order to bring all aspects of scientific collaboration in the areas of biomolecular imaging and Cancer research together under one roof.
For example, one of the most important first steps of the Molecular imaging program and cancer investigation is to assure future success at the highly competitive levels for NIH and National Cancer Institute (NCI) funds. Success will hinge on the installation of several large fixed pieces of equipment into existing infrastructure. One of the most essential pieces of equipment is a cyclotron facility for the production of short-half life radioisotopes using PET technology.
In the FY2008 budget, The N.C. Legislature recognized this need with an appropriation of $8M in State capital funds to initiate the planning and design for a new Imaging Research Building.
With the NCCRF funding, the cancer research program has been highly successful in recruitment of new investigators. Growing the research programs at The Unverisity of North Carolina School of Medicine, however, requires significant expansion of the imaging research infrastructure in order to bring all aspects of scientific collaboration in the areas of biomolecular imaging and Cancer research together under one roof.
For example, one of the most important first steps of the Molecular imaging program and cancer investigation is to assure future success at the highly competitive levels for NIH and National Cancer Institute (NCI) funds. Success will hinge on the installation of several large fixed pieces of equipment into existing infrastructure. One of the most essential pieces of equipment is a cyclotron facility for the production of short-half life radioisotopes using PET technology.
In the FY2008 budget, The N.C. Legislature recognized this need with an appropriation of $8M in State capital funds to initiate the planning and design for a new Imaging Research Building.
In the FY2009 Budget, the appropriation was $35M and the G.S. 116.29 was amended:
"the construction of the Biomedical Imaging Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a vital component of the State's efforts to improve the health and wellness of its citizens. Therefore, there is appropriated from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina the following sums for the corresponding fiscal year to be used for the planning and construction of the Biomedical Research Imaging Center:
Fiscal Year 2009-2010: $172,000,000
Fiscal Year 2010-2011: $45,000,000